Photo prints and framed prints are for sale in my online galleries. I offer both metal and canvas framing. If you are looking for traditional mat and glass options, you can purchase the photo print from me and either have it professionally framed or purchase your own.

When you visit any of my galleries and click on an individual image, you will see price and image/frame size information on the right side of the screen. If you would like an image size that is not offered in a gallery, not to worry! I can order a print and framing to any size to fit your space. Contact me to discuss your project.



Photo prints are printed by myself on my Epson Surecolor P5000 printer using professional Epson Premium Luster photo paper (sizes up to 16×24). Larger images are printed in a professional photo lab on Fuji paper.


The reflective quality of the aluminum metal prints adds luminous color, depth, and high resolution detail to an image. Prints are water, scratch, and UV resistant, ensuring your print stays gorgeous for a long, long time. Each cut is exact and corners are safely rounded. The metal print is .045″ thick, with a beautifully rich, glossy finish. It can be cleaned using water or a mild window cleaner and a soft cloth (I use a microfiber cloth).

Mount framing choices are either Black Wood Float Mount (¾”) (on the left, which will cause your image to “float” off the wall) or Aluminum Edge Mount (¾” silver or black), which gives a metal frame edge to your image.



The museum-quality canvas wrapped prints come with a mirror edge wrap at 1.5″ thickness. Gallery wrapped canvas giclees are shipped with wire and hardware attached so they are ready to hang on your wall right out of the box!